Curriculum and Instruction



Piedmont City School district employs 120 teachers, administrative staff members, instructional coaches and support personnel.  These are highly skilled professionals that are trained to deliver state-mandated curricula and instruction to the students served by Piedmont City School District.  PCSD uses scientifically researched based learning tools and instructional methods to deliver instruction system-wide.



ACT Plus Writing - 11th Grade

ACT WorkKeys - 12th Grade

ACCESS/Alternate ACCESS (for English Learners)

Alabama Alternate Standards Assessment (AAA)

Alabama Comprehensive Assessment Program ACAP

ALSDE Office of Student Assessment

Addressing Disproportionality in Alabama Schools Professional Development (or Lee v. Macon Training)

Addressing Disproportionality in Alabama Schools Professional Development (or Lee v. Macon Training) has three components that must be conducted annually for all newly hired teachers, administrators, evaluators, and others, as appropriate.

Training is provided for new staff members at the beginning of each school year regarding these three areas.  Ongoing training is provided to other staff members throughout the year. 

To access all required Lee v. Macon Professional Development, click on the link below. All three training components should be completed by October of each year.  The signed certificate should be sent to the Piedmont City Schools District Office (ATTN Sharon Anderson) as documentation of completion. If you have any questions, please contact the PCSD central office.

Erin's Law

The Governor of AL signed Erin's Law on June 11, 2015, which requires all K-12 public schools to establish a child sexual abuse prevention instructional program for students in grades Pre-K through 12 that includes developmentally appropriate lessons. 

Likewise, a professional training component for all school personnel on talking to students about child sexual abuse prevention, understanding the effects of child sexual abuse on children, handling of child sexual abuse disclosures, and mandatory reporting is required. 

The link to the Alabama DHR Mandatory Interactive Training is shown below:

Jason Flatt Act Suicide Prevention and Awareness

Governor Robert Bentley signed The Jason Flatt Act on May 10, 2016 – Alabama (SB11) into law, making Alabama the 18th state to pass The Jason Flatt Act since 2007. The Bill was sponsored by Senator Gerald Allen of Alabama Senate District 11.

The Jason Flatt Act
Effective May 10, 2016
Major components of the legislation are:

Amend Section 16-26B-8, Code of Alabama 1975.
The Department of Education shall adopt rules to require that all certified public school personnel receive annual training in suicide awareness and prevention.
The Department of Education will develop a list of approved training materials to fulfill the requirements of the act which may include training materials currently being used by a local school system if such training materials satisfy the criteria established by the department.
This training may be provided within the framework of existing in-service training programs or as a part of the required professional development offered by the local school system. Approved materials may include programs that can be completed through self-review of suitable suicide prevention materials.
Each local school system shall adopt a policy on student suicide prevention. The policies shall be developed in consultation with school and community stakeholders, the school employed mental health professionals, and suicide prevention experts, and, at a minimum, shall address procedures relating to suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention.
This act shall become effective on the first day of the third month following its passage and approval by the Governor, or its otherwise becoming law.

The Jason Foundation

Experiencing a crisis? Call 911, 1-800-273-TALK (8255), or text "Jason" to 741741.

ALSDE Resources


Annalyn's Law

This law requires that law enforcement notify local school districts of low risk juvenile sexual offenders attending school with the general population.


Digital Content/Resources